Friday, April 10, 2020

Writing a Book


I hope that all of you are doing well during quarantine time and i know it's going to be stir crazy of staying inside the house and going outside in the backyard to receive the vitamin D that we all need during this terrible time. But it's funny because it helps us to focus on things around the house that we lack time to do it throughout life.

Now I am sitting here in the kitchen and typing up on this blog because i know I need to say something. I want to write a book: memoir of my life and about me. But of course, I need y'all help with following things:

1. What names should I put down for my book?
2. Any tips?
3. Any volunteers to read the chapters to help correct English and etc?
4. Are you willing to be honest with me and give me feedback?

These things are what I need as of right now. So, I would appreciated your help and in the return, when the book is actually finalizing and I am planning to send the book to publish company and hopefully that they will love my book and sell it.

I believe that my life is unique, apply to other people that haven't speak up their mind or their soul out of in the world.

Stay healthy and be safe!

Much love,

PS. if you want to answer these questions, go ahead and private message me.


Tuesday, March 31, 2020



I know it's been a long time, quite too long! Welcome to 2020! 

I know things are suck right now with Coronavirus but I know eventually it will go away as long as we all stand and united as strong people .

I want to take a moment to discuss about family. Lately, on my social media, I have been noticing a lot of my friends are completely complaining about families while they didn't realize that it's only family that we got, A REAL one. 

Sure, community, close friends, and stuff like that are consider as our family but they're considered as second family. I mean, I know they are amazing support to us but who knows us better than ourselves? Yep, you got it right. Family knows better than us. 

I am going to share my personal story about my relationship with my father. Now, I didn't had any best relationship with my father in my life because he had been constantly in/out my life ever since I was little girl. Why was I speaking in the past tense? As you know, my father passed away in June 2015 due to terminal lung cancer. Of course, I loved him so much. When I was little girl, my parents were together but never married, had me and my sister altogether as family. That was until my brother was born. The only memories I had was favorite--my father used to take us out to park to play basketball and have quality time together for an hour or so. Sometimes he would take us to beach, I remember I loved to walk on the sand near water and explored the seashell and I would pick every piece of it and felt the texture of it. I remember attend parks/beaches until I was probably before teen. Of course, my family isn't perfect, and I am pretty ssure yours isn't. 

Entered teen years, my heart broken because I would seen every girl in my classes who involved in sports, any clubs, and etc...I would see their parents there to cheer on. For me, I had no parents to come and cheer me on because my mom is single mother, she works a lot of hours to support us. My father, *scoffs* were somewhere either with his former girlfriends, or being busy with something else. But I discovered that my father were in the jail. I decided at age, sixteen wrote the letter to my father and told him how exactly I feel. Of course, he felt bad and continually write back and forth to each other until I graduated high school, my father was supposed to be there for graduation but he didn't because of court date. I am glad that my mom and my siblings were there. I am grateful for them. 

Eventually, my father hit with terminal cancer, first thing I was thinking was that, time for me to reconnect with him again and rebuild the relationship of what we had left. We would able to learn more from each other and of course, both of us were stubbornness as my mom would said, "you and your sister have the streak of stubbornness from your father!". I laughed of course because it''s true. Anyways, he fought two good years with this terminal cancer. I made right decision to rebuild my relationship with him. I never regret one bit except for my future wedding, *laughing*. 

Life lesson: you only have ONE mother and ONE father. Embrace them, don't complain. They are the ones that know you best than any of your partner, than any of your best friends, better than any of your friends and even than your siblings! They born you and raised you to better person that you only know for yourself. Don't make any mistake like I did. Do something about it. Don't go around on social media and saying that you're disappointed, complaining, frustrating and stuff like that. We all get it! But honestly, in the end, you will lost them in the life, then you will go back and realized how much you have time left or how much you have build up your relationship with. Tell them that you love them every day, tell them how much you appreciated them, tell them how much you miss them, tell them EVERYTHING before it's too late. Believe me, I know the pain when it was too late. IT's not beautiful thing to think about or feel guilty. 

I don't care if you comes from deaf or hearing family because we all have our struggles and our life story that no one know behind the door. Just make sure that you make time for them because you will miss them MORE once they will not be here in the future. 

This letter is dedicated to my father who's rest in the peace up in the heaven along with his mother (my grandmother). I never met her but heard a few stories about her and she was quite beautiful woman. I know that I will touch her later in the future. 

Remember, love your family no matter what. No one is perfect. Love you mom, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin. 

Until next time. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Heart ❤️ (red heart)

Hey guys, I hope that your week is good so far as much as mine. 

I want to discuss about the big organ in our body which contain our emotions, mentally, physical thoughts which is heart. 

you know, often people thinks that heart is fragile but it's not because it's strong that keep beat and keep us alive every day. Heart also come with our feelings, thoughts, and how we react to things daily. 

Let's look at the definition of  heart: a hollow, pump like organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers: right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via the superior and inferior vena cave, right ventricle that pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation, left atrium that receives the oxygenated blood via the pulmonary veins and passes it through the mitral valve, and left ventricle that pumps the oxygenated blood, via the aorta, throughout the body.

Now that's science definition. Let's take a look at our perspective: the center of the total personality, especially with reference to intuition, feeling, or emotion

Let's think about both of these and try to use them as example that you have face in your life daily. How did it affect you, how did it help you to be a better person? 

Yes that's right ladies and gentlemen, I am here to tell you what's my heart has been telling me along. Especially when it comes to relationship of individual. Now i have a few that I want to say from my heart. 

1. I love my family, friends, and people that comes in my life but I also feel disappoint because when it comes to planning and set up the date to meet up, eventually it fail. You ask yourself why. Now, I know it's a life and everyone's busy but honestly, there ALWAYS is a time for you to find and push it in your schedule. Did you know that meet up with a friend is actually good for your heart? Yes, because when you meet up with someone, you create a moment, you laugh, you cry, you are happy, you are spending quality moment with them. It's really important that you do that because life is short and busy takes our time away from everyone that's surround us. 

2. Dating...oh boy, that's pain in the ass. I am giving up on dating but I am not giving up on hoping to find my prince charming someday. All it takes is time, patience, and let fate take care of it. Recently, I came across to going out on a few dates and i notice that my heart is numb and I have no feelings yet and there's no sparks in the air. I realized that my physical part has been slowly taking over and I have to stop and going back and see why it's happening. Lust happens and it's corrupt your heart because lust always take over while your heart is trying to tell you something. So, if you ever think about dating me, think again. I am rare, loyal, most strongest woman that you ever know because you don't know how much my life has change for past few years and last step is acceptance. The sad part is that most people don't want to date blind people in general because people are depndable on vision to see where we are going and I keep asking myself what's wrong with touching? now that's on separate subject for hearing and deaf culture which will discuss way later on in the life. Think about it and think what kind of person you really want to date and don't ever let desire, lust or anything take over. Yes, it's important to have chemistry in both emotionally and physically but it's not necessary to have chemistry in ONLY physical part. Believe me. 

3. Cherish your heart, feed it with good vibes, drink with good soul, and take care of it with a lot of self care. Love your heart as much as you can. DO NOT destroy it because honey, if you do then it will be tough and cold. It will take a while, i mean it A WHILE to warm it up and giving someone hard time to open up the wall between you and others. 

Love, listen, talk, and nurture your heart. 

ID: A white background with word description: "A beautiful heart can bring things into your life that all the money in the world couldn't obtain."

ID: A gray background with the shape of heart which looks like gray yarn. Word description, "A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in to vicinity freshen into smiles"

ID: A background of sun in the cloud along with a person's hand holding the shape of red/pink heart. Word description, "My mind tells me to give up but my heart won't let me"


Monday, April 22, 2019

Learning Experience: Anxiety

Hey y'all! I know it's been a while since I wrote the last blog. You know how the life goes right? Everyone have their own shit to do and you gotta complete it, make memories, and have fun! This is going to be my learning experience to share with all of you. Please keep that in the mind that I don't know much about it. 

This past weekend was interesting and I have learned a lot of things in three days span. What do i mean by that, let me explain the background of information. This past weekend was date weekend with a guy from Oregon. 

Background information: Dating can be suck sometimes, right? Of course! You can't expect it to be perfect, prince charming comes along at first love sighting. IMPOSSIBLE. Unless you pray for it, hard. Anyways, this guy and I have been talking for a few months. First time meet up was for me going over to Oregon for the weekend but apparently with communication being screwed up, I thought it was going to be whole weekend while he said no it's going to be a day. He informed at last minute which causing me confused and lucky for me, I save $$$ on the hotel! But when we first meet up, it was so good that we actually get along but I did noticed that he doesn't do well with crowd of people then that's when i discovered that he has social anxiety. Don't get me wrong about going out on a date with guy who have severe anxiety. I like to date different guys as long as their personality is good. 

ID: A background of dark sky with the lake in the middle among the hills on the left side and right side. It comes with saying: "I don't think people understand how stressful it is to explain what's going on in your head when you don't even understand it yourself". 

So that's bring up another interesting fact. Last weekend was just bizarre and confusing. IT goes both of ways meaning both of us. First of all, I usually connect so quickly with guys mostly than girls. But this past weekend, I felt nothing, no sparks, no chemistry and i felt like something's not connecting or click things off right. We did went out on date, bowling, dinner, showed him around Seattle and do errands. But suddenly, he got upset easily because of word: "aggressive'. I might use it in wrong way or use in different sentence. He thought that I mean that in the bed but really no I tried to google it up and discovered it's "passive aggressive". He understand but gave me confusing conversation because it's like on same page then goes on different page then back and forth and so go on. That moment I realized something: he's not stable. He is not on his medication, he didn't seek for help, and stuff like that. The good thing is that he did asked me to be his girlfriend but bad thing is that I said no. Because i learned my lesson big time from pervious relationship to the point where we jumped into relationship and eventually forget about ourselves. I don't want that again with him. I told him no, and explained that he needs to take care of himself now. He need help. I am more than willing to be his friend and being supportive for himself all the way. 

ID: A gray sky with the ocean waving and smash against the cliff with the person standing on the top of the cliff. With the saying: "I get nervous about everything. sometimes I literally don't know why I am anxious. I just am and no one seems to understand that". 

The sad part is that he left me and weekend wasn't completed. I felt hurt by his words, i felt hurt by his departure, and I have depression, I easily become sensitive and my whole life, people ALWAYS left me. Never coming back into my life again. It's sad because I would love to be his friend, learn more about anxiety and how we can make things easy for people, understand them what's it like, and adjust to match their needs. But i guess that's loss for him. I mean, there's always learning every day but I love to learn from a person because it  comes with a lot of benefits, there's no doubt about it. 

Anxiety is a serious thing. I am not kidding, it's definitely not for me. I will date someone if they're stabilized and seek the help at same time. It's such bummer that when you date someone then it turned into something horrible and impacted on you hugely. So to him, he said it's bad experience for him but for me, it's learning experience because I love challenges, I love learning. 

ID: A background that looks like a regular mountain view along with many things blend in. With saying: "Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it".--Kahlil Gibran

Ladies and Gentlemen, please do treat them as a normal person as much as you can. Otherwise you will end up being their mother/father instead of friends, or even partner. 

Keep that in mind, anxiety is part of mental illness and we all should support each other because honestly, you don't know when it will impact you or pop up in your life. You just don't know...

ID: A blank background with saying: "Spend time with people who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you". 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dear YOU

Dear YOU, 

This is not easy for me to do this but i felt like I have to. I feel like you deserve the explanation that I decided to cut you out of my life, possibly for good. You are good person with big heart for the community and a good parent as well. This time, I feel a lot of mixed emotions toward you because I thought you are one of my close friends to the point where I can feel like I can tell you everything but you decided differently. This is disappointment, a huge one. And this is going nowhere and I feel like I can't even talk to you in person right now, not ever. I do hope that you will understand when I say things like this. Someday you will see it for yourself with another person that reminds you of me.

Sighs, I couldn't believe that you would do this to me. You betrayed me big time and I couldn't describe how I am feeling right now when I write this to you. Right now, I feel like I have many thinking of what I want to say to you but I have to keep it simple and sweet farewell. When I expressed the feelings to you, I expect you to keep it to yourself, not sharing with other people.

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 ID: A background with tan, white, dark purple and black mixed into the white spread out. Words: "The Truth is that the universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are awake."--Rhonda Byrn. 

I was shocked when it came from you and I couldn't believe it When a person express something out, I always believe it ALWAYS should stay in between two people because it means I trusted you with my feelings, secrets, and everything else. Hell, I kept all of your secrets and you decided to blabbed out one of them? This is not YOU, at all. I despised who you are right now because you are not someone that I know and loved, at least used to be. 

You know what, I actually feel much better knowing that you don't need me anymore because you have your sweetheart and you have your own family to manage. I believe that everyone has their type of friendship, or different type of relationship that you have with person. I guess that you and I are not working out so well because I defended you in the past and now I can pretty much letting the words go throughout my ears. So thank to you, I lost my trust toward people again, I would have to work my ass off to start all over again. I am fortuntely lucky enough to have friends circle being smaller and now it's getting smallest. That means, I chose good friends that I can depend on and count on. You are not one of them anymore. 

For your information, losing weight is something that I am most happy with because I finally get to lose weight, maintain healthy, and everything else before I turn 30 next year. This is one of my biggest goals that I can finally check off from the list. When you mentioned that in negative way, it's completely turn me off guard and I couldn't believe that you would do something like this. For past two weeks, my emotions, my thinking, and my mentally drained me out and I feel like I am going into depression again. I haven't see my counselor for more than two weeks, more of flaking it away. Yes, it's because of YOU. Now I am thinking that my losing weight is something that's self boost up and gain my confidence, if you can't take it, keep the words to yourself. Quit being jealous, quit being so negative person, quit complaining. START focus on yourself, your family, your relationship because I don't care about you anymore. Yes, I was so pissed off that I had to start my thinking all over again. I am sorry if my words are being too harsh to you but they are my raw feelings for you to make you understand the perspective of my side. 

The only irony part about this is that you and I have depression, anxiety, and sometimes paranoid, that's only way i have to blunt out to you because honestly, i don't understand why you would do this to me and what did I ever do to you? I haven't anything bad but being successful on my weight loss journey, my work, and totally lucky that I have good friends to back me up and being so supportive. If that's something that you can't handle, too bad or at least learn how to work on that. 

Image result for good bye, friend quotes
ID: A gray background with words: "it's not the goodbye that hurts. It's the flashbacks that follow." 

One thing to keep that in mind, I do forgive you because that's who I am, but I won't forget what you did. I ALWAYS love you no matter what happens between us but it's better off this way, going on with your own life without being me in it. We will bump into community these days, for now....good luck with everything else.

Image result for forgive you, won't forget quotes
ID: A black background with words: "You've got to take the food with the sad, love what you've got and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret." 

Much love, 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Certain People Are Mistaken

All day today, I have been reflecting on my emotions, i had let out two good cries. The last time I cried was last October when I lost a roommate to rare disease that's slow dying inside her. I realized that's the last time i actually cried. So why did I cried twice today? And I am going to cry when I type this tonight because it's raw emotions that's impacted me hard. This is something that I would like to say something to make you think twice, make you feel guilty of yourself for things that you have done. You know what I don't understand, I don't understand why people do this shit to ruin or to destroy others' self esteem? Or their trust? Or even the worse, discovered the dirty truth. Well, all of these are shitting me out right now and I am typing this because it's only way that makes me feel better. To get all of it out of me before head to bed for the night. Once I am done with this, I am going to leave social media for a while because honestly, what's the point for me to continue using social media other than keep in touch? 

Image result for learn mistakes quotes
Word Description: a white background with words: "Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before"

Now that's true, you know why? When people make mistakes, they learn how to let it go, learn how to let people go and I know how hard it is to let people that you love. Honestly, I know it's much better when you let that person go for good because when you let it go, you don't have to worry about their shit toward you. I know because I have been there and I should have delete them out of my life. All I can do is forgive them and move on but I won't forget the situation that they have put me in. So for that, today remind me of that so it's definitely time for me to let certain people go. I don't care what they're feeling, i am doing what's the best for me. The ironic part about life is that if you don't make mistakes, you will not learn anything, if you don't feel any pain, you haven't move on, and the best part about this...if you make mistakes, you already experienced the pain, that means you have learned your lesson. 

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Word Description: A black background with words: "Anything that hurts you can teach you, and if it keeps hurting you, it's because you haven't learned". 

Like I said, life is irony. 

I have been throughout a lot for past five years because as single woman, you have embrace friendships, especially when it comes to make friends with ladies. It hasn't been easy for me to make new friends who's ladies because it's hard for me to trust women generally especially when it comes to DeafBlind ladies because honestly, community are small and smaller every day. We all live in hearing world which is biggest, I live in deaf community which is small and I live in DeafBlind community which is smaller than deaf community. I have easily make friends with guys more than girls. I don't know why so please don't ask. Anyways, at this point, sometimes it's not easy to remain friends with ladies especially the ones that I thought that I am close with but apparently not. Friendship are complicated shit, and fucked up. People will get around and twist words. 

Three words for you: get a life, set your priories lined up, quit make up the shit, and move on. I forgive you but I am going to kick you out of my life for good. I don't need this, I don't need you. It's your loss, not mine. 

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Word Description: A gray background with words: "People can be mean. Don't take it personally. It says nothing about you, but a lot about them"---unknown.

this one is true about myself and this time, I need to stop do that. Look down below: 

Image result for people quotes

Word Description: "I usually give people more chances than they deserve but once I'm done, i'm done".

This is going to be last one, promise! 

Image result for people quotes

Word Description: a black background with words: "Fake friends; once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you. Yep that's right, i discovered who's been going behind my back and took advantage of me. So thank you, i wish you nothing but the best of luck with your life. Don't come back to me and beg me to be friends with you again, I am totally done with you. Completely done. I am tired of feeling like this, it's your loss, not mine. I have to remind myself every day that it's not my fault for being like this, it's YOUR fault for start this and took advantage of people that's care about you and you can't even see that? Ok, good luck. 

Do me a favor? Start delete people out of your life, NOW. Otherwise, you will let them going around and talk shit about you. Unless you don't care, great. Good for you. But I care because sometimes they are not true. Now, I have done something stupid back in the past, I did it out of angry, during that time I was in bad, SUPER bad shape that I couldn't even think straight, I say something bad about a person that I loved and still do, I regret it because I did it out of angry. Angry is ugly and something rare that I don't do often. When you see me, you see most sweetheart, but very strong woman at the same time. That's what people see me as. So, if you don't see my name in your life, you know the truth. It's time for me to say goodbye to you, wish you nothing but good luck. 

After this being posted, I am going to take a break from social media for a while that's included Instagram, Snapchat, and other apps. It's time for me to do REAL self care this time, people can be pissed me off, it's making my emotions going up in the air, and it's exhausted me. I don't need this right now. 

To certain people, you can go fuck yourself. 

To people who always been there for me, thank you. I love you. 

Tactile love to all of you! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

True Connection vs Sex.

When a time like this, we will feel down and we don't know why. I am going to share my experiences with you regarding being a good woman. I have learned a lot about this myself during this journey as a single woman with occasionally dating. 

First of all, it's NOT you, it's THEM. When i feel like I did something wrong, i constantly blame myself for it and I have been figuring out why I feel like this. For example, i will feel hurt, or feel betrayed to things that I don't know if I did or was it them doing that to me? Was it them putting guility into me? Or was they jealous of how I am doing well? There are many reason why we all feel like this. Especially when you have depression or any mental health issues that you have. We all need to remind ourselves that's our brain talking, not our heart talking. Most of time when we feel like this, we didn't think with our heart, we think with our brain. I have been going on a few dates with guys and women as well, things were good and they would just decide to be friends and I always, i mean ALWAYS feel like it's my fault because that's my depression talk, that's not Samantha's' talk. Or Samantha's thinking. Honestly, I wouldn't learn things like this without my therapist. She's the best thing that I have been learn so much about and coping with my depression well. 

Do you ever feel like it's your fault? Do you feel like you're bad person? Do you feel like you are not good enough for them? Or the worst scenario, do you feel like that everything is cursed with you? All of that negative talks come from your depression, anxiety, and chemical substances in your brain telling you to turn you against yourself. We all struggles with two parts of ourselves--inner ad outer. Inner and outer are constantly battles inside our body and our wellness, because we want to feel good while we feel down. Especially when it comes to good women. I know how difficult for men to find good women but honestly, I believe that men are ignorant sometimes because they can overlooked a good woman with bad woman. Did you know that most men choose bad women over good women? Yes, it's fact because they thinks that they have nothing in common with good woman, well they are wrong. Being a good woman doesn't mea it's something that you have done wrong. It means that you have serve your life right and you know what you want in life. They are just idiots. 

But we all know that there's one issue in Now come on, we all know that having sex is perfectly normal, but it's not normal to do it on first night compared to our time. I mean, I born in 90s and I remember my grandparents always telling me stories of how they met each other and how things go from there. I adore their times ad I wish that would be same as today. But sadly, today is more of connected via sex and we all don't want to have sex on the first night. We all just want a true connection, getting know each other better and reserve our souls from being damaged. 

The only difference between a good woman and bad woman is how we want things differently. A good woman want a true connection, true MAN, not BOY. A bad woman wants a PLAYBOY, don't care about connection and just want a fling. Now you ask yourself this, it's your decision on whether you want to continue dating or not. Keep that in mind, its no ones fault at all, it's how society treats us, ,how people interact arouond us. 

Now for me as a single who's DeafBlind woman, I often want to have a true connection, but honestly with you, all men sucks. Some woman are like that too but hey, didn't mean I am going to give up on the dating. I am going to keep going and be brave until I get what I want. IT's not easy to dating someone who eventually accept who you are but I cam turn them down right there because I know and see where it goes. Now, please don't think it's your fault, it's them. 

Think about it. 

Tactile love,